Our Mission

EHLPC Logo 2012 FinalWhat is the Local Prevention Council?

The LPC is an alliance of individuals and groups, where all members agree to work together to allow our youth to be strong, safe and substance free.

Growing a healthy community takes a collective voice from many parts of the community. Everyone has a role to play.  We join together to support and encourage all of our youth to make positive decisions and healthy choices.

Our Vision

We envision …..

  • A community where all children, youth and families feel connected, respected and valued
  • Where children and youth are not engaged in the use of drugs or alcohol
  • Where all sectors of the community support, nurture and provide for the well-being of all it’s citizens.

Our Beliefs

We believe that:

  • We can decrease the risk of alcohol & drug use among our youth by increasing the number of assets in their lives.
  • Substance use prevention includes addressing factors in our community that might contribute to the use of illegal substances in our youth
  • Young people who are connected to what matters – family, school, healthy peer influences, positive adult role models and community – are more likely to be strong, safe and substance free.
  • Speaking in a collective voice will allow us to grow a healthy community that supports all its members